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Opensource AI Pair Programmer

Seamlessly collaborate with Large Language Models to edit code in your local Git repository or any other codebases. Experience the future of coding with AI-assisted development.


					# Install Universal Ctags (macOS/Linux)
brew install --HEAD universal-ctags/universal-ctags/universal-ctags

# Install PapertLab
pip install papert-lab

# Run PapertLab
					# Install Universal Ctags (Windows)
choco install ctags

# Install PapertLab
pip install papert-lab

# Run PapertLab

PapertLab Modes

Get instant answers to your coding questions. Ask about specific parts of your code, best practices, or general programming concepts.

  • Code explanation
  • Best practices advice
  • Debugging assistance

Experience true pair programming with AI. Collaborate in real-time as you write, refactor, or debug your code together.

  • Real-time code suggestions
  • Refactoring assistance
  • Test case generation

Let PapertLab take the wheel. Our beta-stage Auto-Pilot mode autonomously handles routine coding tasks, allowing you to focus on high-level problem-solving. Currently tested with Python, this feature offers:

  • Automated code generation
  • Intelligent code completion
  • Proactive bug detection

Experience the future of AI-assisted development with PapertLab.

Key Features

Precision Editing

Run PapertLab with specific files you want to edit, focusing your coding session on what matters most.

Multi-File Mastery

Handle complex requests by editing multiple files simultaneously, maintaining context across your entire project.

Seamless Git Integration

Automatic Git commits with sensible messages, ensuring your version control remains clean and organized.

Language Agnostic

Support for multiple programming languages including Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, HTML, CSS, and more.

LLM Optimization

Designed to work best with GPT-4o & Claude 3.5 Sonnet for superior code suggestions and improvements.

Contextual Awareness

Utilizes a map of your entire Git repository to ensure context-aware suggestions and changes.

Questions or Need Support?

We're here to help you make the most of PapertLab. Don't hesitate to reach out!

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